CVC Saturday Gold Level Away Ride -- Saturday Jan 14th 9:00 AM Meeting at Mission Parking Lot in Ventura - Santa Clara Street and Ventura Blvd. In the City of Ventura. Exit California Street in The City of Ventura drive East to Santa Clara Street North (Left Turn on Santa Clara Street), parking area is on the right side before Ventura Blvd. Saturday January 14th, 2012 at 9:00 AM Away Ride Only Route: Ventura Bike Path to Lake Casitas, Casitas Pass Road to Carpentarea and back to Ventura. This is the similar path the red dire is taking with less miles. Do not follow the red riders if you are not planning on a longer distance at a faster pace. Hi Everyone,On Saturday January 14th. starting at 9:00 AM for the away ride, we are riding the Ventura Bike Path to Lake Casitas then over Casitas Pass to Carpinteria and back to Ventura Via the 101 freeway. Please print a copy of the route slip for details and rest stops. For a detailed map and route slip, go to: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/892274 First re-group at Lake Casitas for Restroom and Water. Nest re-group at Via Real for restrooms and water. The Gold Ride is an intermediate recreational ride 30 to 40 miles in length with an average pace of 14+mph. It is not a "no drop ride" but as always let's try to stick together and have a fun,safe ride. Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride. . Regards Norm Weir (818) 282-2421