Hey CVC friends! Just wanted to give you a heads up that this coming Saturday there will be an away ride in Santa Barbara for different levels. Orange Light and Orange/Red will have different variations of routes starting from Padaro Lane in Carpinteria up to Gibraltar. There will also be a route for Gold and those that do not want to go up Gibraltar. It's going to be beautiful up there, and so far, the weather doesn't look like it's going to be quite the inferno that it's been this past weekend. However, please be sure that you are prepared to bring enough water and nutrition for the ride, especially the Orange Light and Orange/Red riders. It gets pretty warm up Gibraltar and it's a 6.14 mile climb. Trust me, if you haven't been, the views are spectacular! The official routes will be sent as usual later this week on Thursday. This was just a little pre-note to let you all know what's coming up ahead. If you are out riding this week, please remember to stay hydrated out there and not overheat. Keep electrolytes in your water bottles and remember to drink often, not just when you're thirsty. By the time your body overheats, it's way harder for it to cool down in these 100 degree temperatures. Stay safe out there! Sheri, Donna and so on..