Saturday, 3-2nd CVC Red Ride:
8:30am Citibank/Sprouts Parking lot (NE Corner Agoura Rd. & Westlake Blvd.)
Westlake-Mulholland-PCH-Yerba Buena-Mulholland-Westlake
45.5 miles - approx. 4,500' climbing
Here's the RWGPS Map:
Ride out of Sprouts Market parking lot
Ride East on Agoura Rd.
Right on Triunfo Canyon Rd.
Left on Westlake/Decker to Mulholland Hwy (climb from Carlisle Canyon to Mulholland: 2.4 miles, 810' climbing)
(1st re-group - on Mulholland Hwy - last stinger's driveway water stop)
Across Mulholland Hwy to PCH descent ( 7.5 mi. mostly descending- watch out for loose gravel & rocks on the turns )
( 2nd re-group - Leo Carrillo campground entrance)
PCH westbound to right turn at Neptune's Net: starting Yerba Buena ( 8.1 miles, 2360' climbing)
( 3rd re-group - Top of Yerba Buena : Park Rangers call it "Party Rock" )
Yerba Buena down to Little Sycamore descent
Mulholland Hwy to Westlake/Decker ( add another descent/ascent loop from here if you want a longer ride)
Or.... ride directly to .....
Descend Westlake Blvd.
Around the lake - Triunfo/Lindero Canyon Blvd.
West on Agoura Rd back to start
Jim Doane - CVC Red Ride Captain
Inclement Weather Club Ride policy: If it's actively raining or the roads are wet and the forecast is for impending rain,
the official club ride will be considered cancelled and members may ride on their own but it will not be considered an official club ride.