This meeting might be of interest to several of you. Go support and be active! Hi, I hope you can attend the BAT meeting on Wednesday July 19th at 4:00 in the Park Room. If you can't - you can always send an interested cyclist in your place. I've attached the draft agenda and meeting notes from the May 3rd meeting. If you would like me to add any item to the Agenda please just drop me an e-mail and I'll put it on the Agenda. Of note is the Rancho Road Sidewalk Project that is also going to the Traffic and Transportation Advisory Commission (TTAC) on the same day, at 6:00 in the Board Room. It's the first item on the TTAC Agenda and the purpose of the item is to receive public input. You are encouraged to attend and provide comments. This is the same project that was presented at the last BAT meeting - but with changes based on BAT recommendations. Have a great rest of the week and weekend. *Kathy Lowry* City of Thousand Oaks Engineering Associate Bicycle Coordinator 805-449-2416 <(805)%20449-2416> klowry@toaks.org