Hey CVC'rs, I want to make sure y'all make it out to the Members Meeting this Wednesday evening. In addition to our speakers, Jennifer Littles (With the Boy Scouts who run all of Cruisin's rest stops) and Brett Darrington (Speaking about sports nutrition), we will be discussing the open board positions that need to be filled. They are Ride Director, Secretary and Social Media/PR Director. Serving on the Conejo Valley Cyclists Board of Directors has been a personally rewarding endeavor for me and I know that there are many of you that would find a similar experience being involved in one of these roles. We will also discuss the clubs "Ride Committee", and the opportunities to serve the club by becoming a Ride Captain or Ride Leader (look for my announcement of a separate Ride Committee meeting). We will also discuss the future of Cruisin' and the opportunities for new charitable partners in addition to those we already have. And of course, Don't forget to bring a dish to share with your fellow club members at the meeting. We always recommend a dish that can feed 6-10 folks. Be sure to RSVP Henry and let him know what your bringing to share. I look forward to a full house Wednesday night! See you then, Kent Koral President Conejo Valley Cyclists