Our CVC Charity Event Register Now!!! Register Now!!! Register Now!!! Because this is a "members only" event, we need you to sign up as soon as possible, so we can create the best ride and celebration for each CVC Member! We are less than 4 Weeks away from the 2nd Edition of our annual fundraiser, the CVC's Picnic Ride & Benefit, And, you need to... REGISTER NOW CVC's inaugural event SO successful, WE are going to do it again, and continue to support our community. Because of your participation in the 2017 event, CVC and its members made donations to 2 local organizations; Conejo Open Space Foundation and The Mike Nosco Foundation. This year CVC and its members will be making a donation to the Sapwi Bike Park project. The Sapwi Bike Park will be free to the public, featuring jumps, drops, pump tracks, trails, and as much stoke factor as you can have on a bike. Imagine a free community bike park in Thousand Oaks. You can help make a bigger impact on the cycling community this year by embracing our new motto, "GIVE WHERE YOU LIVE". It's easy--register now, ride with your CVC friends, have fun on the roads we love, and enjoy the picnic and silent auction. And, feel good about giving back to the Conejo Valley and the sport we love. Be sure to read below to find out more about the event. SEE YOU THERE!!! EVENT REGISTRATION LINK: https://www.bikereg.com/cvc-benefit-picnic-ride PLEASE USE EVENT PASSWORD: Benefit (case sensitive) Weekend Ride Route Summary SATURDAY 8:30am at The Landing All rides meet & depart from "The Landing" parking lot at the South End of Westlake Lake. Please park in the middle lanes away from the homes on the East side of the lot. Red Ride, Leader: Taylor Hodoose Bradley, Balcom and Grimes: Triunfo/Westlake/Potrero/Lake Sherwood/Hidden Valley/Lynn/CSU/Lewis/Pleasant Valley/Village Commons/Sports Park/Bike Path/Upland/Somis/North Street/Bradley/Balcom/Mountain/Bardsdale/Grimes/Broadway/Spring/Tierra Rejada/Sunset/Read Bypass/Olsen/Erbes/Hillcrest/Old Conejo/Agoura/Lindero Route link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/16106151> Orange Ride, Leader: John McIntyre Simi Loop Counter-Clockwise: Lindero/Agoura/Las Virgines/Mureau/Calabasas/Valley Circle/Baden/Chatsworth/Topanga/Santa Suzanna/Los Angeles/Tapo/Royal/Sequoia/Fitzgerald/Long Canyon/Wood Ranch/Olsen/Pederson/Erbes/Hillcrest/Old Conejo/Agoura/Lakeview Route link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/27110518> Gold Ride, Leaders: Sheri Leiken and Kent Koral Ventu Park, Dos Vientos and Hidden Valley: Triunfo/Agoura/Foothill/Old Conejo/Hillcrest/La Granada/Gainsbrough/Lynn/Hillcrest/Ventu Park/Rancho Conejo/Conejo Center/Lawrence/Wendy/ Route link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/27265316> SUNDAY 9:00am at The Landing. G.O. Ride, Leader: David Stumpf Potrero to the Beach and Mulholland Return (with shortened option to Dos Vientos Out-n-Back): Triunfo/Westlake/Lake Sherwood/Hidden Valley/Rieno/Lynn/CSU/Hueneme/Las Posas/PCH/Mulholland/Westlake/Triunfo Route Link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/289501> Social Ride, Leader: Kay Fields Reyes Adobe and Oak Park: Lindero/Agoura/Chesboro/Chesboro/Fairview/Colodny/Driver/Argos/TO/Corell/Hollow Brook/Colmfirld/Eagleton/Timberlane/Acadia/Fountainwood/TO/Reyes Adobe/Agoura/Westlake/Triunfo/Lindero Route link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/6443662> WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENT Hey CVC, The weather looks great this weekend. It will be a bit breezy coming off the ocean both days, but will make for nice tailwind rides home. On Saturday, we have three rides scheduled. The Red Ride will rolling out through Hidden Valley, down to Camarillo and up over Bradley and Balcom to Bardsdale, and a return ride over Grimes Canyon. The Orange ride will be doing a Simi Loop with a southern start through Calabasas and the Valley before climbing Santa Suzanna back into Simi and enjoying some nice climbs along the way home including Sequoia, Long Canyon and Erbes. And the Gold ride is heading out through Thousand Oaks to the Ventu Park Open Space, then up the backside of Dos Vientos through the Kimber cut-through, and back through HIdden Valley after a Sycamore Trailhead stop. On Sunday, we've got two rides. The G.O. Ride will be heading out through Hidden Valley and dropping to the beach over Potrero down past CSU and the beach, then back up Mulholland Canyon. This ride can also be turned into a Dos Vientos Out-n-Back if you are pressed for time. The Social Ride is going to cruise up Agoura Road to Chesboro and ride the canyon up to the top, then wind through Agoura Hills and down Fountainwood before coming across Reyes Adobe and finishing up with a Lake Loop. We've also got midweek rides Tuesday and Thursday mornings, the Wednesday afternoon ride with Sheri, and the Tuesday Night Rock Store Race Ride (with less racy options). Always be more aware and anticipate dangers when riding with your groups. You are the eyes of everyone behind you and the voice to point out obstacles, vehicles and other hazards - even when you are tucked into the peloton. Keep your spacing generous and focus your efforts on the climbs. Let me know if I can help with anything bike or ride-related. I usually have extra gear, supplies and my toolkit, pump, etc. And let's ride! Bart Ziegler Ride Director Conejo Valley Cyclists REGULAR MID-WEEK CLUB RIDES Tuesday Morning Ride - Leader: David Stumpf Rollout is 9:00am SHARP at The Landing parking lot. CVC-7-minute hill return via Calabasas with Stunt option Route link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/25022524> Evening Ride - Leader: Jonathan Woodbury The fast paced Rock Store ride Also for those who would like to get out and ride these routes at more of an orange pace, a group leaves at 5:15 PM. The faster group usually catches up at the regroup point at the Mullholland/Encinal Split on top. Both rides leave from the Landing's parking lot. Shorter Route with Mulholland return: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/18374660> Longer Route with Upper Encinal: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/289498> Wednesday Afternoon Ride - Leader: Sheri Leiken Rollout is 3:30pm at The Landing parking lot. Routes change for each week. Please look for the separate announcement. Rides usually gold pace, 15-22 miles. Thursday Morning Ride - Leader: David Stumpf Rollout is 9:00am SHARP at The Landing parking lot. Agoura High, Kanan, Wildwood, Dos Vientos, back via Potrero Route link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/16979513> UPCOMING EVENTS Cinco de Mayo marks the date of our club's Annual Picnic and Benefit Ride. Don't miss this spectacular day! Sign up now! Food truck, coffee truck, 3 spectacular routes, fully stocked rest stops, auctions and much more!!!! SAFETY REMINDERS If there is a marked bike lane, cyclists may ride shoulder to shoulder. Single file otherwise. There is no three or four abreast at any time while moving.If you are wearing a CVC kit, you represent the club, so please be sure to follow the rules of the road. When riding with CVC, you agree to: * Wear a helmet and ensure my bike is in good working order. * Ride to the right, pass on the left. * Ride in the bike lane (where available) and signal when moving into another lane. * Ride no more than two abreast in the bike lane, single file on narrow roads, and avoid "Swarming" (bunching up and multiplying the chance of accidents) * Call out and point if I see a traffic hazard * Respect ALL traffic laws and the rights of all autos, bicycles, and pedestrians * Ride predictably and remind other to be safe * Be a bicycling ambassador PARKING Please remember when parking at The Landing for any weekend morning rides to park and congregate towards the far end of the lot away from the street and use the middle row. Do not park next to the homes. ADDITIONAL NOTES The Purple ride is considered a no drop. Having said that, please note that if you are falling behind or slower than the average pace, you may be dropped. All rides not asterisked are considered a "drop ride" so please understand the route before you start (and how to get back). If you get to a regrouping spot and no one is there, consider yourself dropped. As always, we will try to stick together and have a fun, safe ride. We will regroup regularly to allow everyone a chance to ride together. If for any reason you leave a group ride, please pass along the information to the ride leader. Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride. Let's ride, Bart Ziegler CVC Ride Director jaggedsurfinfo@gmail.com