Hey CVCrs, This Week the CVC Weekly Tuesday and Thursday 5:30pm Zwift group rides will be as follows: Tuesday will be in Lindon riding the “Greatest London Loop” route with Kent Koral. It will utilize the Keep Together feature and the Meet Up Only View. This will be a Discord ride. See below for more Discord information. https://zwiftinsider.com/route/greatest-london-loop/ This is an all level ride. Thursday will be Yorkshire riding the “Royal Pump Room 8” route with Shane Mann. It will utilize the Keep Together feature and the Meet Up Only View. This will be a Zoom meeting ride. See below for more Zoom meeting information. https://zwiftinsider.com/route/royal-pump-room-8/ This is an all level ride. You will need to use the Zwift Companion app to make sure you are following both Shane and Kent so that we can add you to the rides if you are have not already done so. Please make sure you are following us by 4PM on The day of the ride so that we can have everybody on the invite that wants to ride. Make sure you are a few minutes early to the start since you can’t join a meetup late. To utilize the Discord server you need to download the app to your phone first and then hit the link at the bottom of this announcement. Once your in, pick the CVC voice server. Don’t be intimidated by it and give it a try. There are many YouTube videos to show you how to set it up. It’s great because we can all speak to each other live throughout the ride. I find that I can run the Companion app and Discord at the same time from my phone, toggling back-and-forth, and it works well. For the Zoom meeting rides, make sure you download the Zoom app ahead of time and learn a little bit about using it. Then using the link (see below), join the zoom meeting. Zoom will give you the option of transmitting both audio and video out to the meeting, or just audio if you want to forgo the video feed. This is another great option we utilize to keep the chat fun and lively. You will still be able to see those that are feeding video. Again, there are many YouTube videos out there that you can watch to learn everything you need to know about Zoom meetings And of course, if you want to forgo the Discord and the Zoom options, there will be plenty of interaction going on via text on Zwift itself from/with your leaders! Since we are using the Meet Up Only View which makes only the riders in our meetup visible, wear your favorite kit, We will also be making use of the rubber band (Stay Together Option) to keep everyone together on both rides. This makes it so that some riders who may not be able to keep up will be kept with the group as long as they keep peddling. But try to keep in the pack and drafting as the draft makes a big difference. Feel free to reach out to us via text if you have any questions. We are both looking forward to riding and having fun with you all in the incredible world of Zwift! Kent Koral 818-802-0826 Shane Mann 818-401-5927 Virtual Ride Leaders Conejo Valley Cyclists DIscord Server invite (you only have to do this once to become a member of the server) for Kent’s Tuesday ride: https://discord.gg/pDUruYj Zoom Meeting invite for Shane’s Thursday ride: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6964400386 Information about all of the Zwift routes: https://zwiftinsider.com/routes/