Good news for those who have been clamoring for a bike lane on Potrero Road, this Tuesday the Board of Supervisors will be accepting almost $2 million in grant funds for Phase 1 of its construction in Hidden Valley. Members of the Santa Monica Mountains Bicycle Tourism Roundtable were instrumental in getting this project prioritized. You can read the staff report on the funding of Potrero bike lane and two other bike lane projects (Casistas Vista Road and Sespe Street) at this link: http://bosagenda. countyofventura.org/sirepub/agdocs.aspx?doctype=agenda&itemid=86764 We also want to thank everyone who gave input on the criteria you think Ventura County should use in determining where to install bike lanes in the future. We received two dozen comments and forwarded them to the Transportation Department for consideration in their recommendation to the Board, which also will be heard this Tuesday. You can read about the recommended criteria at this link: http://bosagenda.countyofventura.org/sirepub/agdocs.aspx?doctype=agenda& itemid=86747 Additional good news is that bicycle friendliness is contagious! Mayor Claudia Bill-de la Pena will be asking the City of Thousand Oaks to consider a resolution declaring Thousand Oaks a Bicycle Friendly City, joining the City of Ventura and the County of Ventura, and hopefully other cities coming soon! Look for details on how you can participate, in our next email. Thank you for your cycling advocacy, and enjoy the ride! Best regards, Damon Wing Aide to Ventura County Supervisor Linda Parks 625 West Hillcrest Drive <https://maps.google.com/?q=625+West+Hillcrest+Drive%0D+Thousand+Oaks,+CA+91360%0D+(805&entry=gmail&source=g> Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 <https://maps.google.com/?q=625+West+Hillcrest+Drive%0D+Thousand+Oaks,+CA+91360%0D+(805&entry=gmail&source=g> (805) 214-2510 -- Sheri